Avogadro’s number: The number of atoms in 12g of the pure isotope 12C; i.e. the reciprocal of the atomic mass unit in grams. It is also by definition the number of molecules (or atoms, ions, electrons) in a molar of any substance and has the value of 6.022 52×1023/mol.
阿伏伽德罗常数:12克纯同位素12 C中的原子的数目;也就是以克为单位的原子质量 的倒数。按定义,它也是1摩尔任何物质中分子(或原子、离子、电子)的数目,其数值 为 6.022 6.022 52×1023/摩尔.
Binding energy: All nuclei have rest masses less than the total rest mass of their constituent protons and neutrons. The mass difference m is the mass defect. This arises because all nucleons bound to the nuclei must have negative energy (potential well). So if free nucleons are combined to form a nucleus, the total energy of the system must decrease by an amount 5, the binding energy of the nucleus.
结合能:所有原子核的静质量都比它们的组分质子和中子的总静质量小,这个质量差值 m称为质量亏损。这是由于束缚在原子核中的所有核子必定具有负能(势井),于是,如果自 由核子要结合成核,系统的总能量就必须减少队这就是原子核的结合能。
CANDU: Canadian Deuterium and Uranium reactor.
Chemical bond: The linkage between two atoms; as a rule, it consists of a pair of shared electrons.
Coulomb force: Electrostatic attraction or repulsion between two charged particles.
Electromagnetic radiation: The emission and propagation of electromagnetic energy from a source including long waves, heat radiations, light, X-rays and y-rays.
Electron: A negatively charged particle which is present in every atom; beta rays consist of free electrons ; the mass of an electron at rest is 9.107×10-28g and its charge is 4.774×l0-10electrostatic unit.
电子:见于每个原子内的一种负电荷粒子;β射线由自由电子组成;静止的电子质量为 9.107×10-28克,其电荷为4.774β10-10静电单位。
Excited nuclei: The nuclei raised to an excited state with an excess of energy over its ground state. Nuclear reactions frequently leave the product nuclei in an excited state.
Fission: The spontaneous or induced disintegration of a heavy atomic nucleus into two or more lighter fragments. T:ie energy released in the process is referred to as nuclear energy.
裂变:自发的或某种原因引起的重原子核分裂成两个或多个较轻碎片的分裂过程。这个 过程释放的能量称为核能。
Isotopes: Atoms of the same element winch have the same atomic numbers and chemical properties, but different atomic masses; for example, uranium -235 and uranium -238.
同位素:同一元素中原子序数和化学性质相同,但原子质量不同的原子,如铀-235和 铀-238。
Mass defect: The difference between the mass of an atom and the sum of the masses of its constituent particles.
Neutron: A neutral particle found in the nucleus of an atom, which has about the same mass as a proton.
Nucleon: A constituent of the nucleus of the atom, proton or neutron.
Nucleus: Composed of protons (positively charged) and neutrons (no charge), and constitutes practically all the mass of the atom. Its charge equals the atomic number; its diameter is from 10-15 to 10-14m.
原子核:由质子(带正电)和中子(不带电)组成,它几乎构成了原子的所有质量。它 的电荷等于原子序数;直径从10-15到10-14米。
Proton: A positively charged particle in the nucleus of an atom; its charge is equal but opposite to that of an electron; its mass is 1.672×l0-24g.
质子:原子核内带正电荷的粒子,其电荷与电子所带电荷数量相等,极性相反,其质量 为 1.672×10-24 克。
Annihilation: Spontaneous conversion of a particle and its antiparticle into radiation e.g. positron and electron yielding two γ-ray photons each of energy 0.511 Me V.
湮灭:粒子及其反粒子变为辐射的自发转换,例如正电子和电子产生两个能量各为 0.511 MeV的γ射线光子。
Bohr theory: The theory on explanation of the structure and behavior of atoms, representing them as consisting of a positively charged nucleus surrounded by planetary negative electrons revolving in definite orbits; when an electron jumps to a smaller orbit, monochromatic radiation is emitted.
玻尔理论:阐明原子结构和行为的理论,它假设原子中的负电子像行星一样按确定的轨 道绕带正电的核运动,当一个电子跃迁到较小的轨道时,就放出单色辐射。
Bremsstrahlung: Electromagnetic radiation emitted when a charged particle changes its velocity. Thus when electrons collide with a target and suffer laree decelerations, the X-radiation emitted constitutes the continuous X-ray spectrum.
韧致辐射:带电粒子速度改变时发射的电磁辐射,因而当电子撞击一个靶并经受很大减 速度时,所发射的X辐射构成连续X射线谱。
Compton scattering: Elastic scattering of photons, i.e. scattering in which both momentum and energy are conserved. A change in the direction of travel of a photon due to the interaction between the photon and the medium.
Cosmic rays: Strongly penetrating rays, discovered by Milliken in 1925, coming from beyond the earth’s atmosphere and containing particles that move at extremely high speed.
Decay: The process of spontaneous transformation of a radionuclide.
Ion pair: A positive ion and a negative ion or electron, having charges of the same magnitude, and formed from a neutral atom or molecule by the action of radiation or by any other agency that supplies energy.
Ionization: An electrically neutral atom or molecule acquiring a charge.
Kinetic energy: The ability of a moving body to perform work.
Particle accelerator: A device in which atomic particles are speeded up by the application oi electric and magnetic fields; for example, cyclotron and cosmotron.
粒子加速器:一种利用电场和磁场的作用将原子中的粒子加速的装置,如回旋加速器和 质子同步加速器。
Photon: A light quantum; a unit of light or other radiant energy; the energy emitted when an electron is transferred from an inner orbit of the atom to the next.
光子,光量子:光或其他辐射能的单位;电子由一个内层轨道转入另一个轨道时放出的 能量。
Positron: Positron electron, of the same mass as and opposite charge to the electron, produced m the decay oi radio-isotopes and pair production by X-rays of energy much greater than 1 MeV.
正电子:正电子和电子有相同的质量和相反的电荷,产生于放射性同位素的衰变以及能 量远大于1 MeV的X射线导致的电子偶生成中。
Radioactivity: The spontaneous uncontrollable disintegration of the nucleus of an atom with the emission of α, β and/orγrays.
Vacuum tube: Thermionic tube; an evacuated tube containing a heated electron-emitting cathode, an anode that receives the electrons, and additional electrodes that control the flow of electrons from the cathode to the anode.
真空管:热离子管,热电子管;一种被抽成真空的管,含有一个加热发射电子的阴极, 一个接受电子的阳极和附加用于控制从阴极到阳极电子流量的电极。
Burnable poison: Neutron absorber introduced into reactor system to reduce initial reactivity but becoming progressively less effective as bum-up proceeds. This helps to counteract the fall in reactivity as the fuel is burned up.
可燃毒物:ー种中子吸收剂,放入反应堆系统中,用以降低初始反应性,而后在燃耗过 程中它的有效性逐渐降低。它可用来补偿由于燃料消耗而造成的反应性下降。
Burnup: ?In nuclear fuel, amount of fissile material burned up as a percentage of total fissile material originally present. (2)Of fuel element performance, the amount of heat released from a given amount of fuel, expressed as megawatt days per tonne.
燃耗:①在核燃料中,烧掉的可裂变材料与初始存在的总可裂变材料的百分比。②给定 量燃料中所释放出的热量,以(MW ? d/t)表示,作为燃料性能的描述。
Cladding: Thin protective layer, usually metallic, of reactor fuel units to contain fission products and to prevent contacting between fuel ana coolant.
包壳:通常是金属材料制成,包容裂变产物和防止燃料和冷却剂接触,是反应堆燃料的 保护层。
Coolant: The gas, liquid or liquid metal circulates through a reactor core to carry the heat generated in it by fission and radioactive decay to steam generators.
冷却剂:循环流过反应堆堆芯,将裂变和放射性衰变产生的热传输到蒸汽发生器去的气 体、液体或液态金属。
Fertile isotope: A nonfissionable isotope in a nuclear reactor which can be converted by the capture of a neutron into fissile isotope.
Graphite: Naturally occurring allotropic form of carbon; used as moderator in nuclear reactors.
Heavy water: Deuterium oxide D2O; its chemical properties are the same as those of water but its physical properties are different.
Moderator: A substance, such as graphite, paraffin, water or heavy water, used in a nuclear reactor to slow down neutrons.
Plutonium: A radioactive element formed by the loss of an electron from the nucleus of neptunium; chemical symbol Pu; atomic number 94.
Reactivity: The departure of the multiplication constant of a reactor from unity, measured in different ways.
Sintering: Compacting metal powder into a continuous mass by compressing and then heating below the fusion temperature; the particles are held together oy cohesive force.
烧结:通过压缩将金属粉末压实成一个连续的物质,然后以低于熔化温度进行加热,颗 粒因黏聚カ而结合在一起。
Swelling: Change of volume of fuel which may occur during irradiation.
Thorium: A Corrosion-resistant, ductile dark-gray radioactive metal; chemical symbol Th; atomic number 90.
令土: ー种耐腐蚀,有延性的深灰色放射性金属,化学符号Th;原子序数90。
Wigner energy: Energy stored within a crystalline substance. Changes in physical properties of graphite resulting from the displacement of lattice atoms by high-energy neutrons and other energetic particles in a graphite reactor.
维格纳能量:储存在晶体物质中的能量。在石墨堆中石墨由于受到高能中子和其他常能 量粒子的作用,造成点阵原子位移而引起的物理性质改变。
Zirconium: A metallic element, symbol Zr, atomic number 40, atomic mass 91.22, melting point 2130K. Its low neutron absorption and its retention oi mechanical properties at high temperature make it an useful construction material of nuclear reactors.
锆:金属元素,符号Zr,原子序数40,原子质量91.22,熔点2130K。由于其中子吸收 截面很低,且高温下能保证其机械性能,因此它是反应堆中重要的结构材料。
Blanket: Region of fertile material surrounding reactor core in which the neutrons leaking from the core breed more fissile fuel, e.g. 233U from thorium.
再生区:在反应堆堆芯周围放置可转换材料的区域,由堆芯泄漏出的中子在这里增殖出 更多的易裂变材料,例如由钍变成233U。
Breeding ratio: In a reactor, a comparison between the amount of the new fissionable fuel produced and the amount consumed during fission.
增殖比: 在核反应堆中,新产生的易裂变燃料量与裂变过程中消耗的燃料量的比值。
Chain reaction: A reaction which, once “triggered”, continue to supply enough energy and particles to continue the reaction.
Critical size: the minimum size of a nuclear reactor core required to sustain a chain reaction.
Criticality: State in nuclear reactor when multiplication factor for neutron flux reaches unity and external neutron supply is no longer required to maintain power level, i.e. chain reaction is self-sustaining.
临界:核反应堆中子通量的增殖系数达到1,且不再需要外加中子源来维持功率水平的 状态,即此时链式反应可以自持。
Depleted uranium: Sample of uranium having less than its natural content of 235U.
Enriched uranium: Uranium in which the proportion of the fissile isotope 235U has been increased above its natural abundance.
Fertile material: The isotope in a nuclear reactor which can be converted by the capture of a neutron into fissile isotope, e.g. 238U is converted by series of reactions into 239Pu.
增殖材料:同位素中可以通过在核反应堆中俘获ー个中子转变为易裂变同位素的材料, 例如238U通过一系列反应转换成239Pu。
Fission neutron: Those released by nuclear fission, having a continuous spectrum of energy.
Fuel cycle: The stages involved in the supply and use of fuel in nuclear power plant. The main steps are mining, milling, extraction, purification, enrichment, fuel fabrication, irradiation in the reactor, cooling, reprocessing, recycling, and waste management and disposal.
燃料循环:指核动カ装置中燃料供应和使用的全部过程。主要涉及的步骤为釆矿、矿石 加工、提炼、精制、富集、燃料制造、堆内辐照、冷却、后处理、再循环和废物管理及处置。
Multiplication factor: The ratio of the average number of neutrons produced by fission in one neutron lifetime to the total number of neutrons absorbed and leaking out in the same interval.
倍増系数:在中子的寿命中裂变产生的平均中子数与在同一时期内被吸收和泄漏出的中 子数之比。
Thermal neutrons: Neutrons of a very low speed and energy; their energy is of the same order as that of the substance through which they are passing: they are responsible for various nuclear action.
热中子:速度和能量都很低的中子;其能级与它们所通过的物质的能级相同;它们可以 引起各种核反应。
Thermal reactor: One for which the fission chain reaction is propagated mainly by thermal neutrons and therefore contains a moderator.
Base load: That part of the total load on an electrical power system which is applied, where possible, by the most efficient connected generating station, the remaining peak load being supplied intermittently by the more expensive stations.
基本负荷:电カ系統的总负荷中由效率最高的发电厂供给的那一部分负荷,剩下的高峰 负荷则间断地由较不经济的发电厂供给。
Breeder reactor: One which produces more fissile material than is consumed in operation. Fast reactor can be so designed.
Fast neutron: A neutron that has an energy level higher than 100 000 electron volts.
Fast reactor: One reactor without moderator in which chain reaction is maintained almost entirely by fast fission.
Fission Products: Radioactive atoms result from nuclear fission. They have masses of roughly half of that of the fissile nucleus.
Reactor: Nuclear reactor, pile, a device in which controllable chain reactions take place to produce nuclear energy, it contains the fuel which undergoes fission when bombarded by neutrons and which then produces more neutrons to maintain the chain reaction.
反应堆:核反应堆;也称堆;可控制的链式反应在其中产生核能的装置;反应堆含有经 中子轰击后发生裂变产生更多的中子的燃料从而使链式反应持续下去。
Reflector: A scattering substance surrounding the core of a nuclear reactor, used for reducing the loss of neutrons due to leakage, and thus making the critical dimensions of the reactor smaller.
反射层:散布于核反应堆堆芯周围的ー种物质,用于减少泄漏的中子量,因此也缩小了 反应堆的临界尺寸。
Shield: Screen used to protect persons or equipment from y-rays, neutrons etc. In a nuclear reactor the shield surrounds it to prevent the escape of neutrons and radiation into a protected area.
屏蔽:使人和设备与y射线、中子等隔开的屏障。在核反应堆中围绕它的屏蔽是为防止 中子和辐射进入被保护区。
Spent fuel: Reactor fuel elements which must be replaced due to bursting, bum-up or depletion, poisoning by fission fragments, or swelling. The fissile material is not exhausted and so-called spent fuel is normally subsequently reprocessed.
乏燃料:由于破裂、燃耗或贫化、裂变产物的中毒或肿胀而必须更换的反应堆燃料元件。 在这种燃料中易裂变燃料并没有耗尽,所谓的乏燃料通常要被再处理。