1. 发电原理
1. Philosophy of electricity producing
The nuclear chain reaction in the reactor core produces energy in the form of heat as the fission fragments slow down and dissipate their kinetic energy in the fuel. This heat must be removed efficiently and at the same rate it is being generated in order to prevent overheating of the core and to transport the energy outside the core where it can be converted to a convenient form for further utilization. A fluid is used for the purpose. In the light-water reactor case, water is used as both moderator and coolant. The energy transferred to the coolant, as it flows past the fuel elements, is stored in it in the form of temperature and pressure.
The energy stored in the fluid is further converted into kinetic energy through a device called steam turbine. Finally, the kinetic energy is converted into electric power via steam turbine as the final energy form to be distributed to the consumers through the power grid and distribution system.
The transport of thermal energy from the core to the turbine takes place through tow separated but interlocking loops, connected through steam generators. Steam generators are large PWR components in which heat form the primary circuit is transferred to the secondary with the production of steam.
2. PWR Primary system and components
压水堆中的主回路一直保持在一个高压的状态下,压水堆以此而得名。这个压力通常是2200pis左右(大约15Mpa), 所以在反应堆容器中温度可以达到最高值。在这么大的压力下,水的沸点是343度,大于主回路中允许的水的最高温度332度。
The name of the PWR derives from that the primary circuit is kept at a very high pressure, typically around 2200 psi (equivalent to about 15 Mpa), such that at the maximum prevailing temperature in the boiling can occur. At 2200 psi, the boiling temperature of water is about 343℃, well above the maximum temperature of 332℃ allowed in the primary water.
The basic circuits and components of a PWR plant include mainly:
- 包含反应堆堆芯的反应堆压力容器
- The reactor pressure vessel, which contains the core.
- 主要的冷却环路。这些环路构成了主要的压力装置.其中包括高压下的水循环环路,用于带走堆芯中裂变产生的热量.
- The primary coolant circuit. These constitute the primary pressure boundary which contains water circulating at high pressure to remove fission- produced heat from the core.
- 一个热交换器或者蒸汽发生器。热量经此被传送到第二回路。还包括一个生成蒸汽的水循环系统。
- A heat exchanger or steam generator, in which heat in transferred to a secondary loop, also containing circulating water, where steam is generated.
- 能量转换系统,把蒸汽转换成电能
- The energy conversion system where steam is used to make electricity.
The most important components of a PWR plant are reactor vessel and internals, fuel bundles, control rods and drive mechanism, primary coolant pump, pressurizer, steam generator, turbine, condenser, etc.
3. 压水堆容器的设计方案
3. PWR Containment Design
Most of the Containment buildings are vertical cylindrical prestressed post-tensioned structures with a steel liner covered with a hemispherical or a shallow domed roof and with a flat foundation slab.