1. The auxiliary feedwater system supplies water to the steam generators in order to maintain a water inventory for removal-of the heat energy from the reactor coolant system by secondary side steam release in the event of inoperability of the main feedwater system or during startup and shutdown.
1. 在失去主给水或电站启动、停堆期间,辅助给水系统向SG提供给水,即导出一回路热量而所需的二回路给水量。
2. The auxiliary feedwater system has adequate capacity to maintain the reactor at hot standard and then cool the reactor coolant system to the temperature at which the residual heat removal system may be placed in operation.
2. 辅助给水系统具有足够的能力来维持热停堆,然后冷却主系统直至停冷系统可以投入。
3. The auxiliary feedwater system provides complete redundancy in pump capacity and water supply for all case for which the system is required.
3. 任何时候,当系统需要时,辅助给水系统都具有足够的冗余(泵和供水管线)。
4. The auxiliary feedwater system normally has two motor-driven pumps and one turbine-driven pump.
4. 辅助给水系统通常有2台电动泵和1台汽动泵。
5. The electric-motor-driven pumps are powered by offsite and onsite source, the turbine-driven pump takes steam from main steam line.
5. 电动辅助给水泵由厂外和厂内电源供电,汽动泵的蒸汽来自主蒸汽管道。
6. The preferred sources of water for all auxiliary feedwater pumps are the condensate storage tanks from which water is fed to the steam generator by gravity.
6. 所有辅助给水泵的第一水源为凝结水箱,通过重力流向辅助给水泵后再向SG供水。
7. In the event that condensate storage tank is not seismically qualified, an emergency water supply tank be provided as a backup.
7. 由于凝结水箱的抗震能力不够,配置应急给水箱作为备用。
8. An unlimited backup water supply, essential raw cooling water system (or called service water system) is supplied to the auxiliary feedwater system.
8. 另一路的备用水来自原水系统(或称为厂用水),当需要时可以不间断地向辅助给水系统供水。
9. Since the essential raw cooling water system supplies poor quality water, it is not used except in emergency when the condensate supply is unavailable.
9. 由于原水系统的水质得不到保证,除非在凝结水不可用的紧急情况下才使用。
10. In addition, the fire protection system may be connected downstream of each motor driven pump to provide an unlimited supply of raw water directly to the steam generators in the unlikely event of the site being flooded.
10. 另外,在每台电动辅助给水泵的下游可联接火灾保护系统(指消防水系统),当现场被水淹的时候,仍能不断向SG提供原水。
11. The auxiliary feedwater is designed to start automatically and it will supply sufficient feedwater to prevent the relief of primary coolant through the pressurizer safety valves.
11. 辅助给水系统设计能够自动启动向SG提供足够的给水,防止事故情况下稳压器安全阀起跳导致一回路冷却剂流失。
12. The auxiliary feedwater system is designed to deliver water for pressures ranging from the residual heat removal system cut-in point to the highest set point of the steam generator safety valves.
12. 设计上,从停冷系统接入点压力到SG安全阀起跳压力,辅助给水系统都能够提供给水。