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    为了配合公司网络管理,保障公司信息安全,防范网络风险,本人在任职信毕友信息技术有限 公司Beijing Symbio Information Technology Co. , Ltd (以下简称“公司”)期间,特做出如下承诺:
    1.    本人承诺在使用公司网络时,将严格遵守国家法律的相关规定及公司网络相关规定。
    2.    本人承诺在利用公司网络进行任何信息发布或信息传播前均须经过上级经理批准,凡未经 过上级经理批准发布信息或传播信息所产生的任何法律责任由我个人承担。
    3.    本人承诺不论何时绝不利用公司网络发布或传播非经许可的信息,包括但不限于发布和传 播任何反动、暴力、色情等不良信息。
    4.    本人承诺如果发生了未被许可情况下的发布或传播的行为,由此引起的任何法律责任包括 但不限于民事责任、刑事责任及公司的各种处罚由本人承担。
    5.    本人知道并同意一旦违反上述规定,属《劳动合同书》第二十五条第(二)项严重违反甲方规章制度的行为,公司有权随时通知本人解除劳动合或采取相应的补救措施。
    6-本人完全同意本承诺是为了社会利益、公司整体利益及本人利益而制定的特殊条款,如劳动 合同或本人与公司的其他约定与本承诺不一致时,本承诺及约定具有优先的效力。
    My Commitment Not to Publicize or Disseminate any Information via the Internet
    In order to help prevent any network risks and ensure the data security at the management of the Internet of our company, I at Symbio Information Technology Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as the Company) would like to make the commitment as follows:
    1.    I will honor my commitment to abide by all relevant state laws and regulations governing network use issued by my company
    2.    I shall agree to be subject to any approval of my superiors in publicizing or disseminating at any time whatever information via company's network. Otherwise, I will bear all responsibility or legal liability ensuing hereby.
    3.    I shall honor my commitment not to publicize or disseminate any information via the company ’ s network without permission, which includes, but is not limited to all reactionary information or other undesirable materials on violence and pornography.
    4.    I promise that if there is any publicity and dissemination of information without permission, I will undertake full legal liability, including, but is not limited to, civil liability, criminal liability and the company’s penalties.
    5.1 acknowledge and agree that the violations of these provisions, in whatever the form, shall be considered the act of serious violation of party rules and regulations stipulated in sub-clause 2 of Article 25 of the Employment Contract. The company reserves the right to terminate the employment contract or take the appropriate remedial measures at any time.
    6. I totally agree that the said commitment is made as the specific articles for the benefit of the society, of the company in which I work and in the interest of my own. If this commitment is not in conformity with the Employment Contract or any regulations or rules promulgated by ray company, the commitment and stipulations made herein shall prevail.
    Company: Beijing Symbio Information Technology Co.,Ltd:
    Date                         Date


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