本产品是具有高清影音拍摄功能的数码笔,可以拍摄和存储高画质有声视频。具有操作简便,小巧精致,美观实用,便于携带的特点,是商务、教育、安防、媒体、司法、 旅游、医疗,生活等领域必备的实用工具,深受广大用户青睐。
This product is a high-definition audio and video capture function of a digital pen that can capture and store high-definition video with sound. Is a simple, small and exquisite, beautiful and practical, easy to carry features for business, education, security, media, justice, tourism, health, life and other areas of essential utilities, deeply favored customers.
Operation instructions
开关机:长按按钮2秒钟,完成开机,进入待机状态,此时摄像机指示灯绿灯长亮;有指示灯点亮的任意状态下,长按开关键,摄像机将自动保存当前摄录文件 并关机。
Switch Machine: Long press the button two seconds to complete the boot into standby mode, this time a long green indicator light cameras; in a light lit in any state, long press to open the key, the camera will automatically save the current photo recorded in the file and shut down.
Recording Video: camera into the camera to wait for the state, this time a long green light, long press the button, the green light flashes three times to start video; short press the button again to stop recording, save the file, this time to restore a long bright red and green; In order to ensure shot file size and security, the system will automatically save every 50 minutes, once a file, and continue recording.